When you use "," Swift Techno Solutions, (hereafter referred to as "DivineFashionzs" or "The Company"), and/or its affiliates, are committed to protecting the personal information of you and your family. We want our customers to use our services in a secure and safe manner. DivineFashionzs processes personal information fairly and appropriately, disclosing and/or transferring it only when necessary thanks to uniform procedures for information collection, use, disclosure, storage, retention, disposal, access, transfer, and other processing. This privacy statement explains how we may use the personal data you provide on


This privacy statement explains how we utilize the personal data we get from "" Before using the website or providing any personal information, please read our privacy statement. This policy will be updated in accordance with any modifications to the information collected, the activities carried out, or any applicable laws. Every time you visit "," we encourage you to read the Privacy policy to make sure you know how any personal information you submit will be used.


Please be aware that the privacy practices described in this privacy statement only apply to Please verify those websites' privacy policies before linking to them as they can be very different.





When you visit "," DivineFashionzs gathers, uses, and keeps information about you. In order to access protected information on "" or so that we can contact you after your visit, you may decide to give us information about yourself, your company, your street address, your phone number, or other details. Personal data may comprise, but is not restricted to:


i. Your name

ii. Email accounts

iii. Contact details

iv. State, City, and Country




DivineFashionzs keeps track of your data to provide you with the best experience possible. Email address is a required piece of "Personal Information" during the registration process (sign-up). Following this registration, as long as you are logged in as a user, DivineFashionzs will have access to your account whenever you visit the Website. Before making the initial purchase, the buyer must additionally supply additional Personal Information, such as their phone number, email address, billing address, and shipping address.


DivineFashionzs can automatically receive and record information from your browser, including your IP address, cookie information, and the page you requested, in our server logs once you register with DivineFashionzs and sign in to the services. For the objectives you have selected, DivineFashionzs may process your data and/or contact you via third-party contractors and service providers. These service providers and contractors are legally required to safeguard your information in the same manner as we do. DivineFashionzs only uses your information for the reasons for which you have given express permission.




Any data we obtain from you may be applied in one of the subsequent ways:


i. To improve the user experience for potential customers: Your information enables us to better address your requests and questions and make the website more user-friendly.

ii. To send periodic emails: With your previous consent, we may use the information you give with us to get in touch with you via calls, texts, and emails to tell you about our products and services, as well as for advertising and marketing purposes.

iii. DivineFashionzs may use your personal information to assist with the creation and personalization of content on our channels, as well as to make it easier for you to use those channels and improve their quality (for example, to facilitate navigation and the login process, avoid duplicate data entry, enhance security, improve quality, track campaign and survey responsiveness and evaluate page response rates.)

iv. Obtain Third Party Services: We also share Personal Information and Other Information with affiliates and subsidiaries who manage the DivineFashionzs website, provide information technology and related infrastructure, provide customer service, deliver emails, perform audits, and perform other similar tasks. When DivineFashionzs shares personal information with affiliates/subsidiaries, third parties, or service providers, we guarantee that they will only handle the data in accordance with this policy and exclusively to deliver services to us.




For the purpose for which it is being collected, DivineFashionzs will gather Personal Information that is appropriate, relevant, and essential, and will process it fairly and legally. At the time of data collection, or whenever the purpose changes, the collection's purpose will be made clear.





Except as described in this Privacy Policy, DivineFashionzs does not divulge, sell, rent, or exchange any personal information obtained from "" with third parties for those parties' exclusive marketing needs. Offshore reserves the right to share your information with third parties we have hired to work on our behalf for the processing of your employment-related services and benefits as well as for other business needs. These third-party service providers are only permitted to use the information we give them in response to DivineFashionzs's requests and guidelines.


i. If DivineFashionzs determines that it is necessary or appropriate, we may disclose your personal information.

a) in compliance with all applicable laws, including those of countries other than your own;

b) to adhere to court orders;

c) to respond to requests from public and governmental authorities, including those outside of your country of residence, for reasons of law enforcement and/or national security;

d) To uphold our rules and policies; and

e) to provide us the opportunity to use existing defenses or cut down on potential losses.

ii. In addition, we reserve the right to transfer the Personal Information we have gathered to the appropriate third party in the event of a reorganization, merger, sale, joint venture, assignment, transfer, or other disposition of all or any portion of our business, assets, or stock (including in connection with any bankruptcy or similar proceedings).

iii.In order to prevent or detect fraud, we may exchange information with governmental organizations or other businesses. We might do this if:

a) as permitted or necessary by law; or

b) making an effort to safeguard against or stop actual or potential fraud or illegal transactions; or,

c) Looking into fraud that has already occurred. These businesses do not receive the information for marketing purposes.

Your personal data gathered through our website(s) may be one of the transferred assets if DivineFashionzs goes through a business change, such as a merger, acquisition by another company, or sale of all or a portion of its assets. After any such change in ownership or control of your personal information, a notice will continue to be posted on our website(s) for 30 days.


We offer links to business alliance firms, DivineFashionzs dealers, and other third-party websites to enhance your Online experience and show you things in which you may be interested. By clicking on these links, you will leave our website and be redirected to the website of the business or organization you chose. You are urged to read each site's privacy statement as DivineFashionzs does not control them (even if there is a connection between our Web sites and the third-party site). Before submitting any Customer Identifying Information to a Web site that is linked to our sites, you should review that site's privacy statement. DivineFashionzs disclaims all duty and responsibility for the actions of such third parties.




An operation may need to transfer personal information to other entities or third parties that are situated outside of the DivineFashionzs operation's nation of business in order to do business, work on Company projects, or establish new processes or systems. While acceptable data transfer methods are determined by applicable law or regulation, some examples include: i. a data transfer agreement with the party who will access or obtain the personal information; ii. notification to and/or approval from a country's local data protection authority; or iii. notification to and/or consent from the person whose data is to be transferred.





Consent is frequently referred to as a person's decision to "opt-in" or "opt-out" of the Company using their personal information. It is typically obtained by checking a box or signing a form indicating that the person has read the policy and understands and consents to the processing of their personal information. Depending on the information processing activity, the subject may occasionally need to express their approval in writing. DivineFashionzs obtains permission from people before:


i.collecting, utilizing, or otherwise processing their sensitive personal information in particular ways, or disclosing their personal information to any third party;

ii.transferring the person's personal data outside of the country in which they reside

(iii) utilizing or installing web cookies on a user's computer or other electronic devices 




You have the right to seek access to and make changes to any personal information you have previously given to us via "," as well as to object to our use or processing of that information. Please get in touch with us at the privacy contact information included in "Privacy Contact Information" of this policy if you have questions about how to access or rectify your personal information.


Please be specific in your request on the Personal Information you would like modified, whether you would like your Personal Information to be deleted from our database or otherwise inform us of any restrictions you would like to place on our use of your Personal Information.


The majority of access-related queries and problems can be resolved promptly, but complicated requests could necessitate additional time and investigation. In certain situations, problems will be resolved within thirty days, or you will be called to discuss the nature of the issue and the best course of action.




DivineFashionzs may retain your information on DivineFashionzs or other provider systems as well as move it from "" to other databases. When keeping data on its systems or the systems of its suppliers, DivineFashionzs enforces proper security safeguards.




We safeguard all personally identifying information you provide. This information is accessible only by approved personnel, business partners, affiliates/subsidiaries, clients, vendors, and other third-party providers (who have agreed to keep it secure and confidential). Under legally enforceable terms and conditions, DivineFashionzs guarantees that our provider uses industry-standard security procedures to safeguard the security of information. To access password-protected or secure portions of any Workday websites, users of our "" are responsible for keeping the confidentiality of any password, user ID, or other form of authentication they may have. Only authorized users are permitted to access and use the password-protected and/or secure areas of Such areas are off limits to unauthorized access, which is illegal and could result in legal action.


Utilizing cookies

Like many websites, when you visit our site and fill out a registration form, we'll leave a "cookie" on your computer to help us recognize you more easily the next time you come. We won't use "cookies" or other tracking technologies to monitor your online browsing habits generally, but we will use them and other technologies to figure out which content on our own websites you find most useful or interesting.


Most browsers give you the option to decline a "cookie" that a website offers. Your refusal to accept a "cookie" won't prevent you from using any of the website's features, but it can cause your transactions to take longer because you'll have to enter the same basic information more than once to finish them.


The cookies will be disabled if you opt to unsubscribe or be forgotten.




DivineFashionzs Personal data should only be kept for as long as it's required to achieve the specified goals before being deleted. As long as your account is open and active or as long as it's necessary to offer you services, we'll keep your information on file. Contact us using the details in this privacy statement if you would like us to stop using your information to offer you services. Within 3-5 business days of receiving your request, we will react to it. But, we reserve the right to keep your information on file and use it as needed to meet legal requirements, settle disputes, and uphold agreements.




By contacting us via our contact page, you can withdraw your consent to the collecting and processing of your personal data. Users under the age of sixteen must have parental approval, which must be given by that person.


Please be aware that we won't be able to provide the services described in this policy if you decide not to give us your consent or revoke it at any time.




Contact us at 8296074267 if you have any inquiries about our Privacy Statement or if you need to update, modify, or remove information. You can also send us a regular email at




We reserve the right to amend this Privacy Policy at any time and without previous notice. We encourage you to check this page frequently to evaluate any updates since your continuing use of our Services implies your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy in effect at the time of your visit.


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